Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Starr Names Peter Hirs to Succeed Howard Smith as CFO


(BUSINESS WIRE) -- Starr announced that Peter Hirs has been named the company’s chief financial officer, effective January 13, succeeding Howard I. Smith, who is retiring after more than 40 years at Starr and related entities.

Hirs brings significant finance and insurance experience to Starr, having spent the past 20 years at a global insurance carrier, where he managed regional finance teams across the world and led mergers and acquisitions activities. In his new role, Hirs will oversee the organization’s global finance operations. He is based at Starr’s head office in New York.

Smith had led Starr’s financial operations since 2005, when Maurice R. “Hank” Greenberg, Starr’s chairman emeritus, re-established Starr as a free-standing investment and insurance organization, and he worked closely with Hank prior to that, first joining him in 1984.

“Peter will be a critical partner in achieving our global ambitions,” Starr’s chairman and co-ceo, Jeff Greenberg said. “In addition to his excellent finance experience, he has demonstrated that he is aligned with our culture and values. We thank Howie for his many contributions, and we welcome Peter to Starr.”

About Starr

Starr is a marketing name for the operating insurance and travel assistance companies and subsidiaries of Starr International Company, Inc. and for the investment business of C. V. Starr & Co., Inc. and its subsidiaries. Starr is a leading insurance and investment organization with a presence on six continents; through its operating insurance companies, Starr provides property, casualty, and accident and health insurance products as well as a range of specialty coverages including aviation, marine, energy and excess casualty insurance. Starr’s insurance company subsidiaries domiciled in the U.S., Bermuda, China, Hong Kong, Malta, Singapore, Switzerland and U.K. each have an A.M. Best rating of “A” (Excellent). Starr’s Lloyd’s syndicate has a Standard & Poor’s rating of “A+” (Strong).

Visit us at starrcompanies.com or follow us on LinkedIn and X.


View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250113071409/en/




Charlie Armstrong

Vice President, Marketing

charlie.armstrong@starrcompanies.com, 646.758.8308

Cirium Ascend Consultancy Lands ‘Appraiser of the Year’ Title for the 10th Time


 LONDON - Tuesday, 14. January 2025 AETOSWire

2025 marks the third year in a row Cirium has been awarded the prestigious accolade, recognising their unparalleled expertise in the field

(BUSINESS WIRE) -- Cirium Ascend Consultancy, part of the world’s most trusted source of aviation analytics, Cirium, has once again landed Airline Economics’ prestigious title of ‘Appraiser of the Year’ at an award ceremony last night.

This marks the tenth win for Cirium Ascend Consultancy, demonstrating its unparalleled expertise within aviation consultancy and underlining its unwavering commitment to excellence, transparency and accuracy.

The annual award was presented to Rob Morris, Global Head of Cirium Ascend Consultancy, at the Airline Economics Aviation 100 Global Leaders Awards 2025 in Dublin, Ireland, which celebrates the best companies, individuals and transactions in the aviation finance and leasing sector.

2025’s landmark win makes it the first time a single firm has won the title 10 times, recognising Cirium Ascend Consultancy’s invaluable insights that have shaped the strategies of key players in the industry.

Voters of this year’s award praised Cirium’s accurate, timely, and insightful aircraft appraisals that have provided the valuations and analysis needed to understand market outlook, evaluate risks, and identify opportunities.

Rob Morris, Global Head of Cirium Ascend Consultancy, said: “As we start 2025, we are humbled to have been named ‘Appraiser of the Year’ for the tenth time, reaching an impressive milestone in our history.

“Winning this prestigious accolade not only symbolises the trust and confidence our industry has in us, but is a tribute to the Ascend Consultancy team’s dedication and commitment throughout 2024. We have continued to strive for excellence, offering clients independent and transparent insights in a volatile year for OEMs, lessors, and the wider supply chain.”

Cirium Ascend Consultancy’s contributions extend beyond appraisals, encompassing various aspects of aviation analytics such as risk management, asset tracking, and sustainability evaluations. The firm’s innovative solutions, including CO2 emissions benchmarking and fuel consumption analysis, reflect its commitment to supporting the industry’s transition towards a more sustainable future.

With worldwide teams, and the industry’s largest team of ISTAT/ASA certified appraisers, Cirium Ascend Consultancy is poised to further drive industry analysis and improvement in 2025.

To find out more about Cirium Ascend Consultancy visit https://www.cirium.com/analytics-services/ascend-consultancy/

For Cirium media inquiries please contact media@cirium.com

About Cirium Ascend Consultancy

Cirium Ascend Consultancy, a division of Cirium, offers market-leading expertise to help inform and drive successful strategies in the commercial aviation industry. With a global team of seasoned consultants and analysts, Cirium Ascend Consultancy delivers comprehensive data, expert insights, and tailored services that directly impact strategic investments and open avenues for growth in aviation.

About Cirium

Cirium® is the world’s most trusted source of aviation analytics. The company delivers powerful data and cutting-edge analytics to empower a wide spectrum of industry players. Equipping airlines, airports, travel enterprises, aircraft manufacturers, and financial entities with the clarity and intelligence they need to optimize their operations, make informed decisions, and accelerate revenue growth.

Cirium® is part of LexisNexis® Risk Solutions, a RELX business, which provides information-based analytics and decision tools for professional and business customers. The shares of RELX PLC are traded on the London, Amsterdam and New York Stock Exchanges using the following ticker symbols: London: REL; Amsterdam: REN; New York: RELX.

For further information please follow Cirium® on LinkedIn or visit cirium.com.


View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250113971776/en/





Dubai Culture (Culture de Dubaï) lance le rapport intitulé Dubaï Créative : Naviguer dans le paysage créatif de demain


Dubaï, Émirats Arabes Unis, 13 janvier 2025 :


Dubai Culture and Arts Authority (Culture de Dubaï) a lancé le rapport intitulé « Dubaï Créative : Naviguer dans le paysage créatif de demain », développé en collaboration avec DinarStandard, une société privée de recherche et de conseil spécialisée en stratégie de croissance qui vise à aider les organisations à avoir un impact mondial responsable. Le rapport met en évidence les exploits de Dubaï dans les industries culturelles et créatives, les facteurs clés qui contribuent au développement de la vision culturelle de la ville et des données significatives qui suivent la transformation du secteur.


Le rapport fournit un aperçu complet du secteur créatif, qui constitue une force économique mondiale importante, représentant 6,1 % de l'économie mondiale pour une valeur totale de 4,3 billions de dollars américains. Le rapport montre également que les Émirats Arabes Unis ont le plus grand secteur créatif de la région MENA en 2021, contribuant à réaliser des revenus de 13,7 milliards de dollars américains.


Selon le Cadre de Dubaï pour les statistiques culturelles, les industries culturelles et créatives de Dubaï ont généré une valeur ajoutée de 21,96 milliards de dirhams émiratis en 2022, contribuant ainsi à hauteur de 4,6 % au PIB de l'émirat. Le rapport indique que 47 544 entreprises opèrent dans les secteurs créatifs de Dubaï, offrant des emplois à 175 727 salariés, reflétant ainsi la taille et l'impact de l'économie créative de Dubaï. Dubaï a réussi à attirer 898 projets d'investissement étranger direct aux industries culturelles et créatives en 2023, portant les entrées de capitaux totales pour ces projets à 11,8 milliards de dirhams émiratis. En outre, le rapport révèle que Dubaï abrite plus de 40 % des start-ups ayant obtenu un financement supérieur à 1 million de dollars américains dans la région MENA, avec 306 start-ups basées dans l'émirat.


Le rapport souligne l'infrastructure solide, l'environnement favorable aux affaires et la culture de Dubaï qui ont largement contribué à son leadership mondial. Il fournit également un ensemble de recommandations visant à favoriser la croissance du secteur créatif de Dubaï, y compris des points d'intérêt clés pour les investisseurs, et mettant en valeur les domaines culturels et créatifs les plus dynamiques et en expansion rapide. Le rapport met fortement l'accent sur la nécessité d’adopter des solutions technologiques abordables adaptées aux PME, ainsi qu’un modèle d'entreprise hybride qui intègre de manière transparente les opérations physiques et numériques. Il souligne également l'importance de développer des programmes d'études intégrés qui relient l'industrie créative aux établissements d'enseignement, garantissant ainsi un vivier de talents durable et la croissance de l'industrie.


Pour consulter le rapport complet, rendez-vous sur https://www.dubaiculture.gov.ae/.


Le texte du communiqué issu d’une traduction ne doit d’aucune manière être considéré comme officiel. La seule version du communiqué qui fasse foi est celle du communiqué dans sa langue d’origine. La traduction devra toujours être confrontée au texte source, qui fera jurisprudence.


*Source: AETOSWire



Antoine Boghos, +971503310001



"دبي للثقافة" تطلق تقرير "دبي الإبداعية: استكشاف آفاق الإبداع المستقبلية "


دبي،الامارات العربية المتحدة، 13 يناير 2025:

أطلقت هيئة الثقافة والفنون في دبي "دبي للثقافة" تقرير "دبي الإبداعية: استكشاف آفاق الإبداع المستقبلية

" الذي أعدته بالتعاون مع شركة دينار ستاندرد، ويستعرض التقرير سلسلة الإنجازات التي حقّقتها دبي في قطاع الصناعات الثقافية والإبداعية، والمقوّمات التي مكّنتها من تحقيق أهداف رؤيتها الثقافية، وأبرز الأرقام التي ترصد التحوّلات في المشهد الثقافي فيها، وتعكس أداء اقتصادها الإبداعي.

ويقدم التقرير لمحةً شاملة عن القطاع الإبداعي الذي يمثل رافداً اقتصادياً دولياً مهماً، حيث يشكل ما نسبته 6.1% من الاقتصاد العالمي، بقيمة إجمالية تقدر بـ 4.3 تريليون دولار، ويُظهِر أن الإمارات تمتلك أكبر قطاع إبداعي في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا في 2021، ويصل حجمه إلى 13.7 مليار دولار.

ووفقاً لإطار دبي للإحصاءات الثقافية، تشير البيانات الصادرة من مؤسسة دبي للبيانات والإحصاء الى تحقيق قطاع الصناعات الثقافية والإبداعية قيمة مضافة بلغت 21.96 مليار درهم في العام 2022، مساهماً بما نسبته 4.6% من مجمل الناتج المحلي الإجمالي لإمارة دبي، كما يُبيّن التقرير وصول عدد المؤسسات الربحية العاملة في القطاعات الإبداعية في دبي إلى 47،544 شركة، ساهمت في توفير فرص عمل لـ 175،727 موظفاً، ما يعكس حجم وتأثير الاقتصاد الإبداعي في الإمارة التي نجحت خلال عام 2023 في استقطاب 898 مشروع استثمار أجنبي مباشر في قطاع الصناعات الثقافية والإبداعية، ما أدى إلى ارتفاع إجمالي تدفقات رؤوس أموال مشاريع الاستثمار الأجنبي المباشر في القطاع إلى 11.8 مليار درهم، فيما يؤكد التقرير أن دبي أصبحت موطناً لأكثر من 40% من الأعمال الناشئة التي حصدت تمويلاً بلغ أكثر من مليون دولار، في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا، حيث تتخذ 306 شركات ناشئة من الإمارة مقراً لها، وهو ما انعكس على مكانتها في مؤشر المدن الرقمية، وجاءت في المرتبة الـ 15 عالمياً من حيث بيئة الأعمال في قائمة تضم 30 مدينة على مستوى العالم.

ووفقاً للتقرير، فقد ساهم امتلاك دبي لبنية تحتية قوية، وبيئة ثقافية ومقومات إبداعية متكاملة في رفع رصيدها من الإنجازات التي رسخت مكانتها وريادتها عالمياً، كما سلط التقرير الضوء على أبرز الفرص الاستثمارية التي تمتلكها الإمارة، وتضمن مجموعة شاملة من التوصيات لتعزيز نمو القطاع الإبداعي في دبي، ومن أبرزها الحاجة إلى تبني حلول تكنولوجية ميسورة التكلفة مصممة خصيصًا للشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة، واعتماد نموذج عمل هجين يدمج بين العمليات المادية والرقمية بسلاسة، وضرورة تطوير مناهج تعليمية متكاملة تربط بين الصناعة الإبداعية والمؤسسات التعليمية، لضمان استدامة المواهب ودعم نمو القطاع.

للاطلاع على التقرير، زوروا الموقع الإلكتروني https://www.dubaiculture.gov.ae/

المصدر: "ايتوس واير"


أنطوان بوغوص



Dubai Culture launches ‘Creative Dubai – Navigating Tomorrow’s Creative Landscape’ Report


Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 13 January 2025:

Dubai Culture and Arts Authority (Dubai Culture) has launched the ‘Creative Dubai: Navigating Tomorrow’s Creative Landscape’ report developed in collaboration with DinarStandard, a privately owned growth strategy research and advisory firm empowering organisations for responsible global impact. The report highlights Dubai’s achievements in the cultural and creative industries, the key factors contributing to the city’s cultural vision, and significant data tracking the sector’s transformation.

The report provides a comprehensive overview of the creative sector, which serves as a significant global economic force, representing 6.1% of the global economy with a total value of US$4.3 trillion. The report also shows that the UAE has the largest creative sector in the MENA region in 2021, with a size of US$13.7 billion.

According to the Dubai Framework for Cultural Statistics, Dubai’s cultural and creative industries generated AED 21.96 billion in added value in 2022, contributing 4.6% to the emirate’s GDP. The report indicates that 47,544 companies operate in Dubai’s creative sectors, providing jobs for 175,727 employees, reflecting the size and impact of Dubai’s creative economy. In addition, Dubai successfully attracted 898 foreign direct investment (FDI) projects in the cultural and creative industries in 2023, increasing total capital inflows for FDI projects to AED 11.8 billion. Additionally, the report reveals that Dubai is home to more than 40% of start-ups that have secured over USD 1 million in funding in the MENA region, with 306 start-ups based in the emirate.

The report highlights how Dubai’s robust infrastructure, business enabling and cultural environment have significantly contributed to its global leadership. It also provides a comprehensive set of recommendations to foster the growth of Dubai’s creative sector, including key opportunity hotspots for investors, showcasing the most dynamic and rapidly expanding cultural and creative domains. A strong emphasis is placed on the need for affordable technological solutions tailored to SMEs, adopting a hybrid business model that seamlessly integrates physical and digital operations, and the importance of developing integrated curricula that connect the creative industry with educational institutions, ensuring a sustainable talent pipeline and industry growth.

To view the full report, visit https://www.dubaiculture.gov.ae/.

*Source: AETOSWire


Antoine Boghos, +971503310001
