Tuesday, April 20, 2021

European Organic Juices Dubai campaign sees success!

 Dubai, United Arab Emirates-Sunday 18 April 2021 [ AETOS Wire ]

The tasting promotion by the EU campaign “European Organic Juices” held from March to April 2021 in Dubai, was a huge success.

The promotions were held at various key Hypermarkets and Supermarkets including Faaz, Warda al Madina, Manal al Madina, Al Shaab Al Madina, Falak Al Madina, New Al Madina, Happy Land, J Mart, Parco, All day fresh in Dubai.

Consumers had the opportunity to taste directly with the promoted Organic Juices and formed a personal opinion on their comparative advantages, getting to know their particular inherent characteristics (flavor, aroma, texture) informed regarding their high quality and nutritional value.

In the “European Organic Juices” campaign, juices were from three different producers, from three countries.

Organic pomegranate juice is represented by ASOP, a producer’s organization in Greece, Organic cherry juice is represented by BNHU, a non-profit trade organization in Bulgaria and Organic apple juice is represented by Bio-Romania, an association of entities (organizations, producers) that are activated in the organic farming sector in Romania.

The reaction from the consumers was extremely encouraging according to officials from EU. 

For more information visit: www.euorganicjuices.eu

Facebook: @euorganicjuices

Instagram: euorganicjuices 


Melwyn Abraham


Permalink : https://www.aetoswire.com/news/european-organic-juices-dubai-campaign-sees-success/en