Thursday, October 14, 2021

Zanoprima Launches Commercial Production of Its High Purity Tobacco-Free Synthetic (S) Nicotine Using Revolutionary Patented New Process

 LONDON-Wednesday 13 October 2021 [ AETOS Wire ]

(BUSINESS WIRE) -- Zanoprima Lifesciences ( ( a UK based company, announced commercial production of its high purity synthetic (S)-Nicotine (SyNic) using a revolutionary patented process that does not involve the use of tobacco or any synthetic racemic mixture.

This is a landmark development for the trillion-dollar tobacco industry and its 1.3 billion consumers as it heralds the arrival of a superior, substantially lower-risk, cost-effective, and greener alternative to a global industry that is arguably the single biggest avoidable cause of death globally.

Zanoprima has developed and patented the process to manufacture high purity (typically 99.9%), synthetic (S)-Nicotine (SyNic) for commercial use that is free of TSNA (tobacco-specific Nitrosamines), toxins, carcinogens, odour, and harsh taste. Zanoprima offers the entire range of products including SyNic (S)-Nicotine Bitartrate (Nicotine Bitartrate Dihydrate), SyNic (S)-Nicotine polacrilex resin/Nicotine resinate and its novel proprietary (S)-Nicotine complex.

SyNic (S)-Nicotine conforms to and exceeds European Pharmacopeia (EP) and United States Pharmacopeia (USP) specifications. “Green Chemistry” principles compliant production process minimizes the environmental impacts of nicotine production. Applications include:

SyNic Protonated (S)-Nicotine e-liquid for e-cigarettes is without any potentially harmful ingredients such as organic acids and propylene glycol. It is pure, stable and has a long shelf life. E-cigarettes that use SyNic offer a smooth taste and enhanced nicotine experience, a distinct advantage given the nicotine limit guidelines/rules in e-liquids in the EU and other geographies.

Znus: Tobacco-free white snus is completely sodium and tobacco free, delivering a smooth taste without the characteristic odour and harshness of natural nicotine. It has an instant burst followed by sustained release as desired by the traditional Snus users.

Next-gen chewing gum and lozenges that are sodium free offer unique characteristics, providing an instant burst and sustained release of nicotine that users seek. These gums and lozenges contain a new proprietary nicotine complex with superior bioavailability and taste.

Forthcoming launches: Tobacco free heated nicotine products unlike existing tobacco-based Heat Not Burn products and skin friendly transdermal patches for Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Global Patents: Zanoprima owns patent applications or registration for its revolutionary manufacturing process in all major geographies including United States, Europe, Great Britain, Australia, China, India, and others.

As a responsible synthetic nicotine (SyNic) manufacturer Zanoprima will distribute SyNic in strict compliance with regulations in each of its markets, globally.

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Zanoprima Lifesciences

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