The procedure is a non-invasive
treatment with 100 percent success
Dubai, United Arab Emirates, -Thursday 27 February 2020 [ AETOS Wire ]
can be partly chalked up to a loss of collagen production, which starts
slowing down at a rate of 1 percent a year around age 38, gradually
encouraging the skin to sag. To ensure that you maintain the slimming,
tightening, and lifting - Ultherapy, a non-invasive way to firm areas
like the chin, neck, brow, and décolleté is the best bet of the season.
It's based on the same technology used in radiology for ultrasound
imaging (i.e. during pregnancy).
While most
procedures use radio frequency, Ultherapy uses sound wave energy to go
through your skin to penetrate the muscle of the area you're treating,
and the technology uses multiple attachments to allow for superficial,
medium, and deep penetration. It causes the muscle to contract and
shrink, which aesthetically results in a firming, wrinkle-smoothing, and
contouring effect.
Given the
advancement in medical science, it has been noted that 60 percent of
cosmetic specialists now recommend the use of such non-invasive
ultrasound therapies that have very little downtime.
According to
Dr Manar Nasar of CosmeSurge, this non-invasive treatment is a perfect
bet for younger patients who desire facial rejuvenation but aren’t quite
ready for a facelift, and those who want to put off or avoid surgery.
The treatment takes less than an hour and often delivers the
skin-tightening improvement that patients are looking for, but some may
require two session spaced six months apart for optimal results.
While most
patients opt for this treatment in their early 30s or 40s, according to
Dr Manar Nasar it is a good idea to get collagen-stimulating treatments
in your 20s to mitigate future collagen loss. She believes that collagen
gives the skin structure and prevents wrinkling, thus more collagen is
always good for skin health which slows the aging process. As such,
having these treatments when your body is still able to generate
collagen theoretically will yield improved skin health long term. While
this treatment is optimal for most patients, it is advised that
individuals who suffer from pre-medical or skin conditions shouldn’t opt
for this treatment as it might result in medical complications which
can prove fatal for the patient.
Besides that,
a key benefit of using Ultherapy is its ability to be non-invasive
without the potential side effects of anaesthesia or unforeseen
complications associated with post-procedure healing. Another feature of
the treatment is the ultrasound imaging which allows the doctor
visualize the lower layers of the skin. This means the heat can be
directed to the precise locations that are in most need of improvement
and avoids nerve damage, leading to 100 percent success.
With January
being the busiest time for aesthetic procedures, now is the time men and
women opt for Ultherapy. However, as always, it is recommended that
seek a certified medical professional if you’re considering any
collagen-stimulating treatments.
SAHARA Management Consultancy
Maria Tayem, Senior Account Manager, +971501714347, +97143298996 /